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Paintless Dent Repair: Find Out if You Can Really Make Any Money

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There’s a trade saying that “There is no car that doesn’t have any dents to one degree or another.” Perhaps it could be argued that new cars don’t have any, but I can assure you, as soon as they drive that car off the lot, the dents are just waiting to try the new car on for size. Dents can be as small as a pea and of course, as large as the accident providing them. There are definitely some dents that a PDR Technician cannot fix. You as a PDR Technician will need to understand that as soon as possible and before you go out to quote on a car.

Before you quote a car, your website should be set-up so that the client can take some pictures to send in for you. You can save yourself a lot of gas by letting the potential client know whether you think you can even fix the dent. If it looks like a go, then you can go out and give them a true estimate. You must let your potential clients know that the purpose of the pictures is to judge whether or not you can do the job. The real estimate comes when you physically have the opportunity to see it.

How much money can you make? Well, if you have a Retail Client then you will want to charge $125, if your client is a Used Car Dealership then you will charge$50 which is your Wholesale rate. The cost of your supplies is $0, yes that’s right, zero! The average repair should take you no longer than 10 to 30 minutes. Hopefully, you can see why becoming a PDR Technician is so popular. Let’s say it takes you 30 minutes, you do two cars within an hour at retail, this brings you $250 with no supplies to be deducted. Pretty good right?

Questions? Contact us at Dent Repair School, we’re here to help.


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