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How to Make Pay Per Click Work For Your Business Part VI

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How many times has that happened to you? You’re searching for one particular item online and you find it as a result of your search and keyword only to be redirected to the general website which makes it difficult to find the item that you are looking for. I don’t know about you but I just click out of the site. It shouldn’t have to be that hard to find what I’m looking for, especially when I went to the site with the promise of being taken to the item I want.

If your ad is specific to a special you may be running, then you will have to have a landing page that speaks to that special. If you are running an ad that is generic and is using your selected keywords for the business, then it’s fine to have them land on your homepage for your website. Just be sure to make the navigating straight forward and easy to locate the information they are looking for.

Seventh, back to calls to actions, when using these, you really want to encourage the potential client to contact you. You may choose to offer something special for their time. Perhaps you could offer one small quarter sized dent free for their total business. If you have window repair as a part of your services, perhaps you can offer to fix one small chip. You could even consider a gift card proportionate to the total cost of the entire job. You will have to just test to see which offer gets the greatest response, it may take a while to get to the perfect offer.

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