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And the Beat Goes On! Body Shops and Insurance Companies at Each Other’s Necks Part V

Student tapping out a dent with a metal dent hammer and tap.

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The panel will determine whether all the individual states’ cases can be consolidated for pretrial handling in one jurisdiction.

“We did not ask for an oral argument because we felt the matter was so straightforward and clear that it was unnecessary to impose on the panel in that way,” Fry explained. “However, several of the defendant insurers did demand oral argument, so we will be appearing in the federal courthouse in Kansas City.”

About time. I’ve said many times, that although a particular insurance company may not own your shop, they sure do run it. Maybe this is a step in the direction of finally leveling the playing field between all shops and insurance companies.

Keep in mind, when all is said and done, we must remain professional in all that we do, the nation, and possibly the world, are watching. Lynch mob mentality will destroy the purpose and intent and only fuel insurance companies into stating their case, which is that we in this industry are incapable of managing our businesses as it pertains to insurance companies and their insured. Which would only be further proof of why we need them to lead us by the nose. We would have wasted our time and efforts in righting the wrong done to us and those that came before us.

We’re better than that people. We are making history here and paving the way for those that follow. We are the heroes! We are the ones standing up for ourselves and making our voices be heard. We, in our lifetime, will witness the change in Louisiana and other oppressed states. We will see the crumbling of an empire and the permanent elimination of widespread fear.

Success is just a moment away! Hang in there and please, tell your story to everyone. You deserve the accolades that will follow.

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